Center for Individual Freedom, et al. v. Chris Van Hollen, et al. Amicus Brief for Free Speech Coalition, Inc., et al. in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit

admin Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Election Law, U. S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in the case of Center for Individual Freedom, et al. v. Chris Van Hollen, et al. in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in support of appellants and reversal.

Our brief argues that the BCRA section 201 provision requiring disclosure of the names and addresses of all contributors who contributed an aggregate of $1,000 or more Read More

Gun Owners Foundation Files Suit to Obtain ATF Fast & Furious Records

admin Firearms Law, FOIA Law, Litigation, U. S. District Court, District of Columbia

On June 6, 2012, on behalf of Gun Owners Foundation, our firm filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. The suit stemmed from an April, 2011 Freedom of Information Act request in which GOF sought records pertaining to the infamous “Fast and Furious” and program where ATF federal agents deliberately and incomprehensibly put firearms directly into the hands of Mexican Read More

Challenge to Oklahoma GOP Convention in Norman

admin Election Law

Today, we submitted a challenge to the Oklahoma Republican Party’s election of delegates and alternates to the Republican National Convention in violation of party rules.

We are representing four individuals, each of whom represents the interests of large groups of other Oklahoma Republicans:
Steve Dickson, as a duly-credentialed delegate to the Oklahoma State Republican Convention held Read More

Michael G. New v. United States

admin Constitutional Law, Litigation

The Michael New case is back.

On May 16, 2012, we filed a Petition for a Writ of Coram Nobis based on the Army’s withholding of exculpatory evidence contained in two classified Executive Orders, access to which was unlawfully denied to Mr. New at his 1995 court-martial, at which he was charged and convicted of disobeying a lawful order for refusing to wear the U.N. uniform to serve in a U.N. Read More

“Arizona v. United States: Reading the Tea Leaves of Oral Argument” by Herb Titus and Bill Olson

admin Publications

Herb Titus and Bill Olson wrote the article “Arizona v. United States: Reading the Tea Leaves of Oral Argument” published on today. An excerpt from the article follows:

“Justices Scalia and Kennedy’s questions seemed to track our brief’s line of reasoning, asking whether Arizona had the power to exclude aliens who are not legally in the country. If Read More

Christopher Hedges v. Barack Obama, et al. Amicus Brief for Virginia State Delegate Bob Marshall, et al. in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York

admin Constitutional Law, U. S. District Court, Southern District of New York

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in the case of Christopher Hedges v.Barack Obama, et al. in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York in support of plaintiffs. This lawsuit challenges the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012’s illegal detention provision. A Read More

Sergeant Gary A. Stein v. Colonel C.S. Dowling, et al. Additional Pleadings Filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of California

admin Constitutional Law, Litigation, U. S. District Court, Southern District of New York

Today our firm joined with other co-counsel to file the following additional pleadings in the case of Sergeant Gary A. Stein v. Colonel C.S. Dowling,et al. in the United States District Court for the Southern District of California on behalf of plaintiff Sergeant Gary A. Stein:

Plaintiff’s Read More

Memorandum for Delegate Bob Marshall on H.B. 1160 — A bill to Prevent Virginia from Aiding the U.S. Military in the Detention of Virginians under the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012

admin Publications

Herb Titus wrote a memorandum for Delegate Bob Marshall on H.B. 1160 — A bill to Prevent Virginia from Aiding the U.S. Military in the Detention of Virginians under the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012. The memorandum discusses the interplay between Virginia H.B. 1160 and the federal law that it addresses, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012.

Delegate Bob Marshall sent this Read More

Sergeant Gary A. Stein v. Colonel C.S. Dowling, et al. Complaint and Motion for Temporary Restraining Order in the United States District Court for the Southern District of California

admin Constitutional Law, Litigation, U. S. District Court, Southern District of California

Today our firm joined with other co-counsel to file the following documents in the case of Sergeant Gary A. Stein v. Colonel C.S. Dowling, et al. in the United States District Court for the Southern District of California on behalf of plaintiff Sergeant Gary A. Stein:

Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief

Read More

Delroy Fischer v. United States — Reply Brief for Petitioner

admin Firearms Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Today our firm filed reply brief for petitioner in the case of Delroy Fischerv. United States of America in the United States Supreme Court. In this case, petitioner Fischer is asking the Supreme Court to resolve a circuit split over the question whether the use of force element of the predicate misdemeanor in a section 922(g)(9) prosecution is determined by factual findings found Read More

State of Arizona, et al. v. United States, Amicus Brief for U.S. Border Control, et al. in the U.S. Supreme Court

admin Constitutional Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in the case of State of Arizona et al.v. United States in the United States Supreme Court in support of petitioners.

Our amicus brief argues that S.B. 1070 is a constitutional exercise of Arizona’s inherent power of self-preservation, the purpose of which is “attrition” of the numbers of illegal aliens living in Arizona. As an exercise of the State’s Read More

Dept. of Health and Human Services, et al. v. State of Florida, et al. (Obamacare), Amicus Brief for Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall et al. in the U.S. Supreme Court

admin Health Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in the case of Dept. of Health and Human Services, et al. v. State of Florida, et al.(Obamacare) in the United States Supreme Court in support of respondents (minimum coverage provision). The brief asked the Court to overturn two of its most extreme, and controversial, Commerce Clause holdings:

“The Government believes that this law is fully justified under Read More

Louisiana v. Bryson, Amicus Brief for U.S. Border Control et al. in the U.S. Supreme Court

admin Constitutional Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in the case of Louisiana v. John Bryson in the United States Supreme Court in support of plaintiffs’ motion for leave to file a bill of complaint, challenging the constitutionality of the 2010 Census.

The United States Census Bureau maintains that it “is required by the U.S. Constitution to count everyone living in this country, regardless of immigration Read More

Herb Titus Law Review Article, “The Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal: Breaching the Constitutional Ramparts” (December 27, 2011)

admin Publications

In a hard hitting essay first published in the Fall 2011 issue of the William & Mary Journal of Women in the Law, Herb Titus critically tracks the process by which the 111th Congress repealed “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.” Titus maintains that from start to finish, the Democratic leadership chose to bring about repeal, utilizing an unconstitutional strategy that breached House rules, Read More

Delroy Fischer v. United States — Petition for Writ of Certiorari

admin Firearms Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Today our firm filed a petition for writ of certiorari in the case of Delroy Fischer v. United States of America in the United States Supreme Court. In this case, petitioner Fischer is asking the Supreme Court to resolve a circuit split over the question whether the use of force element of the predicate misdemeanor in a section 922(g)(9) prosecution is determined by factual findings Read More

Virginia v. Sebelius, Amicus Brief for Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall et al. in the U.S. Supreme Court

admin Constitutional Law, Health Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in the case of Virginia v. Kathleen Sebelius in the United States Supreme Court in support of petitioner. This petition presents to the Supreme Court a clash between a federal law mandating the individual purchase of its approved healthcare insurance — the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“PPACA”) — and a state law securing Read More