Bill Olson Quoted and Heller v. District of Columbia Amicus Brief Discussed in The United States Law Week article “D.C. Handgun Registration Requirement, Ban on Assault Weapons, Big Magazines OK”

admin Press Coverage

Bill Olson was quoted in The United States Law Week article “D.C. Handgun Registration Requirement, Ban on Assault Weapons, Big Magazines OK” on October 11, 2011 by Bernard J. Pazanowski discussing the recent decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in Heller v.District of Columbia (Heller 2) and the amicus brief filed by our firm in this Read More

United States v. Antoine Jones Amicus Brief for Gun Owners of America, Inc. and Gun Owners Foundation, et al. in the U.S. Supreme Court

admin Constitutional Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in the case of United States v.Antoine Jones in the United States Supreme Court in support of respondent, Antoine Jones. Our amicus brief argues that the government’s extreme position that the Fourth Amendment does not apply to GPS surveillance on public roadways is insupportable.

The government’s extreme view that the Fourth Amendment is completely irrelevant Read More

Bill Olson Presentations at LPAC 2011 — The Liberty Political Action Conference — Reno, NV

admin Appearances

Bill Olson spoke at LPAC 2011 — The Liberty Political Action Conference — in Reno, Nevada. On Friday, September 16th, he spoke on “Executive Orders, States of Emergency, & Emergency Powers.” On Saturday, September 17th, he first spoke on “Reinvigorating the Fourth Amendment” and, then was on a panel entitled “Civil Liberties Update” together with Read More

State of Arizona et al. v. United States, Amicus Brief for U.S. Border Control and English First Foundation, et al. in the U.S. Supreme Court

admin Constitutional Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in the case of State of Arizona et al.v. United States in the United States Supreme Court in support of petitioners’ petition for a writ of certiorari. Our brief argues that it is the preeminent duty of the Supreme Court to preserve the balance between the federal and state governments struck by the United States Constitution.

While Article VI of the Constitution Read More

Delroy Fischer v. United States Appellant’s Petition for Rehearing En Banc in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit

admin Firearms Law, U. S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit

Today our firm filed appellant’s petition for rehearing en banc in the case of Delroy Fischer v. United States of America in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.

Appellant, Delroy Fischer, was indicted under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(9)1 for possession of a firearm after having been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence. Our petition argues that Fischer, and Read More

United States v. Bernard von NotHaus Amicus Reply Brief for Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina

admin Constitutional Law, Litigation, U. S. District Court, Western District of North Carolina

Today our firm filed an amicus reply brief in the case of United States v.Bernard von NotHaus in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina on behalf of Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA). On June 10, 2011, the United States filed a reponse in oppostition to the GATA amicus brief, filed May 31, 2011.

Link to brief

MSSA v. Holder, Amicus Brief for Gun Owners of America, Inc. in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

admin Firearms Law, U. S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit

Today our firm filed an amicus brief for Gun Owners of America, Inc., Gun Owners Foundation, and Virginia Citizens Defense League in the case ofMontana Shooting Sports Association, et al. v. Eric H. Holder, Jr. in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in support of reversal. We previously filed an Read More

United States v. Bernard von NotHaus Amicus Brief for Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina

admin Constitutional Law, Litigation, U. S. District Court, Western District of North Carolina

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in the case of United States v.Bernard von NotHaus in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina on behalf of Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee. We also filed Appendix A to our amicus brief.

Link to brief

Smith v. Virginia Amicus Brief for Gun Owners of America, Inc. and Gun Owners Foundation in the Supreme Court of VIrginia

admin Firearms Law, Virginia Supreme Court

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in the case of Russell Ernest Smith v. Commonwealth of Virginia in the Supreme Court of Virginia on behalf of Gun Owners of America, Inc. and Gun Owners Foundation in support of appellant Smith. The issue in this case was whether Smith “willfully and intentionally” made a false statement (on a Form 4473) that he was not under indictment, Read More

United States v. Antoine Jones Amicus Brief in the U.S. Supreme Court

admin Constitutional Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in the case of United States v. Antoine Jones in the United States Supreme Court. Our amicus brief was filed on behalf of Gun Owners of America, Inc., Gun Owners Foundation, Institute on the Constitution, Restoring Liberty Action Committee, U.S. Justice Foundation, Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund, Free Speech Coalition, Inc., Free Read More

Daniel Chapter One v. Federal Trade Commission, Amicus Brief in the U.S. Supreme Court

admin Health Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in the case of Daniel Chapter One, et al. v. Federal Trade Commission in the United States Supreme Court in support of petitioners’ petition for writ of certiorari. Our amicus brief was filed on behalf of U.S. Justice Foundation ( and Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund (

Our brief argues that the Court of Appeals erroneously Read More

Virginia v. Sebelius, Amicus Brief for Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall et al. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

admin Health Law, U. S. Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in the case of Commonwealth of Virginia v. Kathleen Sebelius in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit on behalf of Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall, Gun Owners of America, Inc., Gun Owners Foundation, American Life League, Inc., Institute on the Constitution, the Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, Public Advocate of Read More

Federal Trade Commission v. Daniel Chapter One A Story of Government Suppression of Alternative Medicine

admin Health Law, Publications

Bill Olson and Herb Titus wrote “Federal Trade Commission v. Daniel Chapter One, A Story of Government Suppression of Alternative Medicine” which covers our firms representation of Daniel Chapter One, a historical perspective of the attack on alternative medicine, the federal assault on dietary supplements and alternative medicine, the story of Daniel Chapter One, and the Read More

Arizona Free Enterprise Club’s Freedom Club PAC, et al. v. Ken Bennett, Amicus Brief for Gun Owners of America, et al. in the U.S. Supreme Court

admin Election Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in the case of Arizona Free Enterprise Club’s Freedom Club PAC, et al. v. Ken Bennett in the United States Supreme Court in support of petitioners.

Our brief argues that the Arizona system of public financing of campaigns for election to public office, the Arizona Citizens Clean Election Act, is unconstitutional to its core. Contrary to the analysis of the Read More