FEC Challenge — Response in Opposition to Allocation of Oral Argument TIme Proposed by Certain Appellants

admin Election Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Today we filed our Response of Appellants, Congressman Ron Paul, et al., in Opposition to Allocation of Oral Argument Time Proposed in Motion for Divided Argument of Certain Aligned Appellants. We previously asked the Supreme Court for 20 minutes of the four-hour oral argument time, while certain other appellants asked that we, and a few other appellants including the NRA, be given none of Read More

Coalition for Postal Worksharing Final Comments to the President’s Commission on the U.S. Postal Service

admin Administrative Law, Postal Law

Our firm submitted final comments to the President’s Commission on the U.S. Postal Service, on behalf of the Coalition for Postal Worksharing, urging the Commission to endorse worksharing and private sector competition by: (i) requiring the Postal Service to charge separate rates for workshared services that are sufficient to cover the cost of providing those services; and (ii) subjecting Read More

An Evaluation of Postal Service Worksharing: Postal Revenues and Costs from Workshared Activities

admin Publications

Postal economist Dr. John Haldi and Bill Olson have co-authored a groundbreaking evaluation of Postal Service Worksharing. Their paper contains the first comprehensive study of revenues and costs of the Postal Service generated from upstream activities. It was published in Crew & Kleindorfer, Competitive Transformation of the Postal and Delivery Sector, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, and Read More

An Evaluation of Postal Service Worksharing: Postal Revenues and Costs from Workshared Activities

admin Publications

Postal economist Dr. John Haldi and Bill Olson have co-authored a groundbreaking evaluation of Postal Service Worksharing. Their paper contains the first comprehensive study of revenues and costs of the Postal Service generated from upstream activities. It will be presented in Toledo, Spain in June 4-7, 2003, at the Eleventh “Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics” of the Center Read More

John Geddes Lawrence and Tyron Garner v. State of Texas

admin Constitutional Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Our firm filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Public Advocate of the United States, Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund, Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, Help and Caring Ministries, Inc., and Citizens United Foundation in support of the State of Texas urging the Court to uphold the the Texas Homosexual Conduct Statute.

Petitioners challenging the Texas Read More

Free Speech Coalition Comments to the President’s Commission on the U.S. Postal Service

admin Administrative Law, Postal Law

Our firm submitted comments to the President’s Commission on the U.S. Postal Service, on behalf of the Free Speech Coalition, Inc., addressing (i) the Postal Service’s belief that it is the final authority with respect to most of its administrative decisions, refusing to have those decisions reviewed by anyone, even by a federal court, and (ii) the danger of granting governmental powers Read More

Federal Election Commission v. Christine Beaumont, et al.

admin Election Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Our firm filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of RealCampaignReform.org, Inc., Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund, Gun Owners of America, Inc., English First, and U.S. Justice Foundation in support of respondents Christine Beaumont, et al. urging the Court to affirm the decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit that struck down the Federal Election Read More

Statement Presented on Charitable Solicitation to New York State Senate

admin Nonprofit Law

Today, Bill Olson presented a statement on behalf of the Free Speech Coalition to the Committee on Consumer Protection of the New York State Senate.  The Senate Committee had sought input on the “public disclosure of charities rates of donor retention and use, industry regulation and the adequacy of current laws pertaining to charitable telemarketing solicitation.”

Link to comments

James E. Ryan, Attorney General of Illinois v. Telemarketing Associates, Inc, et al.

admin Nonprofit Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Our firm filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of the Free Speech Defense and Education Fund, Inc., Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund, American Target Advertising, Inc., Eberle Communications Group, Inc., Gun Owners Foundation, English First, Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, and Citizens United Foundation in support of respondents Telemarketing Associates, Read More

Making a Bad Law Worse

admin Publications

Bill Olson and Mark Fitzgibbons wrote an article entitled “Making a Bad Law Worse New York’s Amended Charitable Solicitation Law” published in Philanthropy Monthly, Volume 35, Nos. 1&2.