Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board

admin Constitutional Law, U. S. Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit

Today, our firm filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, opposing attempts by a girl with feelings of gender “dysphoria” to use Title IX to gain access to the boy’s bathrooms at her school.  Our brief argued that one’s sex is a scientific constant, and determined by the Creator.  Allowing a person’s feelings at any given Read More

Stormans, Inc. v. Wiesman

admin Constitutional Law, U. S. Supreme Court

With our brief in Stormans, our firm has now made its 100th filing in the U.S. Supreme Court. Today we filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court defending a Christian-owned pharmacy from attack by the Washington State Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission due to that pharmacy’s refusal to stock and sell abortifacient drugs.

Although the Pharmacy Commission is a government agency, its Read More

Supreme Court of Mississippi Justice Cites Our Article Attacking Obergefell Decision

admin Publications

Presiding Justice Jess H. Dickinson issued a Separate Written Statement Objecting to a Court order, in which he cites to and quotes from an article we wrote reacting to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell.

“And, according to an article co-authored by Herbert W. Titus, who taught constitutional law for more than a quarter of a century and concluded his academic career as the Read More

Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Craig & David — Amicus Brief

admin Colorado Supreme Court, Constitutional Law

Today we filed an a brief in the Colorado Supreme Court urging it to review a decision of the Colorado Court of Appeals which had upheld a decision of the Colorado Civil Rights Commission penalizing the Christian bakery for refusing to bake a cake to be used in the celebration of a same sex marriage.

It is strange indeed that the people of Colorado had adopted in 2006 a constitutional amendment defining Read More

admin Publications

Biblical Principles of Law by Herbert W. Titus
Herb Titus wrote Biblical Principles of Law, a digital book available, which explores the biblical and historical roots of the common law relating to contracts, property, torts and crimes, and compares the biblical/historical view with modern legal trends.
American’s Heritage: Constitutional Liberty by Herbert W. Titus
Herb Titus wrote American’s Heritage: Constitutional Liberty, a digital book available from, which explores the biblical and historical roots of constitutional law in America, and compares the biblical/historical view with modern legal trends.

Bill Olson & Herb Titus Articles on Building the Resistance to Same Sex Marriage (Summer 2015)

Reconsidering the U.S. Supreme Court’s Authority to Mandate Same-Sex Marriage (May 27, 2015)

The Fourteenth Amendment Does Not Mandate Same-Sex Marriage (June 6, 2015)

Same-Sex Marriage: Efforts to Have Justices Ginsburg and Kagan Recuse Take a Troubling Turn (June 19. 2015)

Obergefell v. Hodges: Illegitimate, Unlawful, and a Fraud on the American People (June 27, 2015)

An Open Letter: The Duty of the States to Seek Rehearing of Obergefell (July 17, 2015)

Obergefell: Draft Petition for Rehearing (July 17, 2015)

Refusal to Issue a Same-Sex Marriage License is a Civic Duty (September 4, 2015)

Article: “National Law Journal”/”Supreme Court Brief” Discusing Our Position on Obergefell Recusal

admin Press Coverage

U.S. Supreme Court Reporter Tony Mauro wrote about our article explaining the impropriety of failing to recuse in the Obergefell organization. The Article was entitled “Motion Urging Recusal in Marriage Cases Surfaces on Supreme Court Docket.”

“The recusal request was posted on the court’s docket last week, according to William Olson and Herbert Titus, lawyers for the U.S. Read More

Obergefell v. Hodges
Tanco v. Haslam
DeBoer v. Snyder
Bourke v. Beshear

admin Constitutional Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Today, we filed an amicus curiae brief in the U.S. Supreme Court opposing efforts to have the Court force homosexual marriage on the States and the People.

The brief was filed on behalf of: Public Advocate of the U.S., Joyce Meyer Ministries, U.S. Justice Foundation, The Lincoln Institute, Abraham Lincoln Foundation, Institute on the Constitution, Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund, and Read More

Hedgepath v. Bentley — Chief Justice Roy Moore Response to Motion to Dismiss

admin Constitutional Law, Litigation, U. S. District Court, Southern District of Alabama

Today, representing Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, our firm joined with Alabama local counsel Douglas McElvy in filing a Motion to Dismiss a suit filed against certain Alabama state officials seeking to penalize their opposition to same sex marriage. A Brief in Support of the Motion was also filed.