GOA & John Crump — FEC Complaint About Facebook

admin Administrative Law, Election Law

Today we filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission detailing violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act committed by Facebook, AFP Fact Check, and possibly Kamala Harris for Vice President. The complaint is based on multiple acts of suppression of information about the anti-gun views of Vice Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris by Facebook, pursuant to decisions made by a French Read More

Amicus Brief: Trump v. New York

admin Constitutional Law, Statutory Construction, U. S. Supreme Court

Today our firm filed the only amicus brief (at least thus far) in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Trump v. New York, supporting President Trump’s Memorandum instructing the Secretary of Commerce to provide him with data necessary to reapportion the House of Representatives among the states without counting illegal aliens. The brief was filed for Citizens United, Citizens United Foundation, Read More

County of Los Angeles, et al. v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County (Grace Community Church and Pastor John MacArthur)

admin California Court of Appeal, Constitutional Law

Today we filed an amicus brief in a California appellate count in support of Pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church.  That Church began holding in-person, indoor services in late July despite a ban imposed on such services by Los Angeles County due to COVID-19.  The Church, inter alia, has asserted that the ban violates Article I, section 4 of the California Constitution Read More

Rhode v. Becerra

admin Constitutional Law, Firearms Law, U. S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in support of a challenge to a California law which requires background checks for persons seeking to buy ammunition. Our brief explained the history of how the 9th Circuit has employed various legal tests and other techniques to allow certain judges hostile to gun rights to evade application of the Second Amendment, as written.

Link to brief

Ehlert v. Settle: Petition for Review

admin Constitutional Law, Firearms Law, Litigation, Virginia Supreme Court

Today we filed a petition for review in the Virginia Supreme Court seeking review of Lynchburg Circuit Court Judge Patrick Yeatts’ denial of a portion of our application for temporary injunction. Judge Yeatts issued a temporary injunction against the Virginia State Police to bar enforcement of one of the Northam gun bills barring 18 to 20 year old Virginians from purchasing handguns in private Read More

Elhert v. Settle — Temporary Injunction

Jeremiah Morgan Circuit Court for the City of Lynchburg, Virginia, Constitutional Law, Firearms Law, Litigation

Today, the Circuit Court for the City of Lynchburg issued a temporary injunction against Virginia’s ban on handgun sales to adults under age 21.

This is a case we are litigating together with Gilbert Ambler of Winchester, Virginia and David Browne of Richmond, Virginia.

Link to temporary injunction

Liberty University Amicus Brief Opposes VA Gov. Northam COVID-19 Controls on Commonwealth

admin Constitutional Law, Health Law, Virginia Supreme Court

Since March, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has imposed a draconian set of rules and regulations on the People and businesses of Virginia, ostensibly to address the COVID-19 threat. Yet he has refused to call the Virginia General Assembly into session to get authority to impose controls. Under his theory, his power is virtually limitless, and could continue into next year, and beyond. Today we Read More

Brief: San Francisco v. Azar

admin Administrative Law, Health Law, U. S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in support of a challenge to a series of district court decisions within the Ninth Circuit striking down a recent HHS regulation.  The regulation issued by the Trump Administration was designed to protect healthcare workers from being required to performing certain procedures, such as abortions, euthanasia, and sex change surgeries.

Link to brief

United States v. Michael Flynn

admin Constitutional Law, Litigation, U. S. District Court, District of Columbia

On behalf of Citizens United, Citizens United Foundation, and The Presidential Coalition, our firm filed an amicus brief supporting the dismissal of charges against General Michael Flynn. Our brief also opposes the court’s inquiry into bringing contempt and perjury charges against General Flynn. The case against General Flynn is currently pending in both the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, where we filed this brief, and in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit where we earlier filed a brief for General Flynn.

Link to CU/CUF/TPC Amicus Brief
Link to Motion for Leave to File

In re: Michael Flynn

Jeremiah Morgan Constitutional Law, U. S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit

Today we filed an amicus brief for former United States Attorney General Edwin Meese III supporting the dismissal of criminal charges against General Michael Flynn.  In our brief we argue that the Attorney General of the United States, not a federal district judge, has the primary responsibility for ensuring that criminal charges are brought only for violations of actual federal crimes.  In the Read More

Courthouse News Article Reports on Our Brief for AG Meese for Gen. Flynn

admin Press Coverage

The Courthouse News Article began its coverage of our brief with this:  ” Edwin Meese, former attorney general under President Ronald Reagan, filed his own brief along with the Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund in support of Flynn. The conservatives’ brief highlights an indelible moment between Flynn and Sullivan in 2018, when the judge said to the defendant in open court, “Arguably, you sold your country out.”  Meese argued that the motion to dismiss was unusual, but not extraordinary, and that it is Attorney General William Barr’s responsibility to “terminate a baseless prosecution in the interest of justice.”

Link to article

State of New York v. Department of Health and Human Services

admin Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Health Law, U. S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit

Today our firm filed an amicus brief in the Second Circuit defending President Trump’s and his Department of Health and Human Services’ effort to protect healthcare workers from being forced to participate in abortions, sterilizations, and euthanasia. Our brief explains that Planned Parenthood and the other plaintiffs are still pursuing an Eugenics Agenda. Our brief explains how the Read More

TSCL & CMF Comments on FDA Draft Guidance on Homeopathic Products

admin Administrative Law, Health Law

On behalf of The Senior Citizens League, and the Center for Medical Freedom, we filed comments with the FDA supporting the view that the FDAt has no authority over homeopathic products other than to prevent adulterated products.

“These commentors believe that the FDA is wholly without authority to impose regulations and direct enforcement efforts against homeopathic remedies, except with respect Read More

Rodriguez v. City of San Jose

admin Constitutional Law, Firearms Law, U. S. Supreme Court

Today our firm filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to review an inexplicable Ninth Circuit decision upholding an illegal search and seizure of firearms by the San Jose Police after her husband had a mental health crisis. Seven years after that seizure, the City of San Jose, California is still refusing to return her firearms to her. Even though Lori Rodriguez is not a disqualified person, more than seven years later, she is still fighting a court battle to recover those firearms, a battle which is now before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Link to brief

Lynchburg Range & Training v. Northam (Lynchburg Circuit Court, after remand from federal district court)

admin Circuit Court for the City of Lynchburg, Virginia, Constitutional Law, Firearms Law, Health Law

After remand of our case to Lynchburg Circuit Court, we filed a number of documents in state court on April 23, 2020, and on April 27, 2020, Judge Yeatts issued an injunction against Governor Northam, with an opinion letter.

Link to  Plaintiffs’ Read More

Lynchburg Range & Training v. Northam (Circuit Court Litigation)

admin Circuit Court for the City of Lynchburg, Virginia, Firearms Law, Health Law, Litigation

Today our firm filed a complaint in Lynchburg (Virginia) Circuit Court to enjoin the provision Governor Northam’s Executive Order 53 which closed “indoor shooting ranges.”

Link to Complaint
Link to Exhibits
Link to Proposed Injunction Order
Link to Mitch Tyler Affidavit
Link to Philip Van Cleave Affidavit
Link to Erich Pratt Affidavit

Hughes v. Northam

admin Circuit Court of Russell County Virginia, Constitutional Law

On April 8, 2020, we learned that an individual had challenged Virginia Governor Northam’s Executive Order banning meetings — including Church Services — so that he could go to church on Easter without fear of being charged.  The case was filed in Virginia Circuit Court in Russell County, in far Southwest Virginia.  Since the petition included a claim under the First Amendment, Read More

ARTICLE: COVID-19: Distancing is no solution to a spiritual problem

admin Publications

Today Herb Titus and I wrote an article carried in The American Thinker on the missing spiritual dimension in addressing the Corona Virus.  Here is just a bit:  “We know from Daniel 2:17 that “the Most High rules in the kingdom of men.”  But we must come to the Lord on His terms, not ours.  He has the power to remove temporal judgments from the people, but repeatedly in Scripture we see His precondition of repentance — a change of mind, and a change of behavior.  See 2 Peter 3.”

Link to article

FOIA Complaint — Public Advocate v. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

admin FOIA Law, Litigation, U. S. District Court, District of Columbia

Today we filed a complaint against the CDC for their refusal to respond to our Freedom of Information Act request for copies of records related to the CDC’s 2014 “Acting Against AIDS” campaign.

Link to Complaint
Link to Exhibit A
Link to Exhibit B
Link to Exhibit C
Link to Exhibit D
Link to Exhibit E
Link to Exhibit F
Link to Exhibit G
Link to Exhibit H

Roberts & GOA v. U.S. Justice Department

admin Administrative Law, Firearms Law, U. S. District Court, Eastern District of Michigan

Today, with Kerry Morgan, Esquire of Wyandotte, Michigan, we filed suit on behalf of gun owners against the U.S. Justice Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to challenge an unlawful action of ATF affecting Michigan gun owners.  On March 3, 2020, ATF issued a determination letter that directed Michigan FFLs to refuse to accept a concealed pistol license in lieu of a NICS background check from the FBI when buying a gun.  Federal law allows the use of such a license to purchase a firearm.   Our complaint can be found here.

Article: Schumer’s SCOTUS Comments Were Designed To Mislead the Public

admin Publications

The Western Journal published an article by Herb Titus and Bill Olson about the rant by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer against Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. This article focused on what may have been the real purpose of the attack — to rally leftists to the pro-abortion cause by misrepresenting to the the rabidly pro-abortion crowd and their friends around the country about what a repeal of Roe v. Wade could mean.

Link to article